Skaneateles Rotary Club Celebrating International Women's Day
Rotary members, friends, guests and students were all at the Lodge on Thursday evening to celebrate International Women's Day. Dr Sally Roesch Wagner gave an inspirational talk followed by two of the Ambassadors from the Matilda Joselyn Gage Foundation's program which focuses on empowering and inspiring young women to become agents of change. Many thanks to Amy Tormey and everyone else that worked on the fourth annual IWD Celebration making this event a great success. Pictured with Rotarian Kathy Crelot (center) are key note speakers; Vanessa Johnson (left) and at right is Dr. Sally Roesch Wagner (right)
Lean more about the event by CLICKING HERE to following the story on Spectrum News Central NY, and CLICK HERE to read Lori Ruhlman's news release of the event.