THE POWER OF ROTARY ... be a part of it
Did you ever have an idea or a dream that seemed to out of reach. Though the Power of Rotary, often these dreams and ideas can suddenly become real. For an example; a little over twelve years ago, one Skaneateles Rotarian had an idea of leveraging a Texas centered organization he knew of, Rotarian Books For The World (BFTW), who glean, sort, pack and ship gently used children’s and
text-books to third world countries. By using the power of Rotary, that one Rotarian managed to bring together hundreds of Rotarians from nearly 100 clubs across 5 New York & Canadian Rotary Districts to form CNY-BFTW & WNY-BFTW organizations to bring this idea and dream to fruition. The concept quickly took hold and Rotarians and their families & friends volunteered well over 20,000 hours to make the one idea grow into reality.
Did you ever have an idea or a dream that seemed to out of reach. Though the Power of Rotary, often these dreams and ideas can suddenly become real. For an example; a little over twelve years ago, one Skaneateles Rotarian had an idea of leveraging a Texas centered organization he knew of, Rotarian Books For The World (BFTW), who glean, sort, pack and ship gently used children’s and

The results of that one initial idea has been that over thirty, 40’ sea-containers, each loaded with 26 pallets, or 780 pallets of approx. 50,000 pounds of books have found their way to many of the 25+ Rotarian managed international BFTW distribution centers. From these centers the books are then supplied free to qualified schools and libraries.
One Rotarian, one dream, through the power of Rotary can make a huge difference in bringing peace and better understanding to our local communities and our world.Thisis just one example of the hundreds ideas that grow into life changing projects ever year through The Power of Rotary.